Friday, May 19, 2023


Hey there, news explorers! Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey with me, Ted Vang, your host for the mind-blowing Top World News Talk show, delivered right to your screens in the captivating Hmong language!

This channel isn't just your ordinary news destination. Oh no, it's a revolutionary platform where language barriers crumble, and real-world affairs become accessible to all. Imagine a world where nothing stands between you and the pulse of global events!

I've got a burning passion for news and an insatiable curiosity about the diverse tapestry of our planet. Together, we'll unravel the mysteries of the world, diving headfirst into the most gripping news stories from every corner of the globe. From groundbreaking discoveries to political dramas, from cultural celebrations to innovative technologies—we'll cover it all!

But here's the twist: we're tearing down those language barriers that keep vital information locked away. No more feeling left out or missing the hottest topics. My mission is to deliver top-notch content, keeping you informed and entertained, regardless of the language you speak.

Join me on this thrilling adventure as we conquer the uncharted territories of global news. Buckle up, because we're about to witness the world in a way you've never experienced before. Let's break free from the confines of language and let knowledge flow freely!

Don't forget to connect with me on social media, where I'll be sharing exclusive behind-the-scenes moments, engaging discussions, and captivating extras. It's time to build a vibrant community of global citizens, united by our thirst for knowledge and understanding.

So, my fellow adventurers, get ready to explore, to learn, and to be inspired. Welcome to the Top World News Talk show in the Hmong language—the show that shatters language barriers and takes you on a wild ride across the globe!

Stay tuned, stay curious, and get ready to have your mind blown. This is Ted Vang, signing on for an epic journey of discovery. Let's dive into the heart of the world together!


Friday, March 17, 2023

Putin's conflict in Ukraine: is entering perilous waters, and the risk of escalation with the West is higher now

As Poland and Slovakia arm Kyiv with fighter jets and Russian warplanes expel American drones from the skies, Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow and Chinese companies supplying assault weapons and body armor to Moscow's troops show support for Putin's conflict in Ukraine. The situation is precarious, and the risk of escalation with the West is higher than ever since the initial invasion.

Although NATO aims to avoid direct confrontation with Russian forces, its support for Ukraine has helped Kyiv resist. Putin's increasing desperation raises the likelihood of threats and actions that could escalate tensions with the West, making any miscalculation potentially catastrophic.

With Russia suffering heavy losses on the ground in and around Bakhmut, the ingredients for inadvertent escalation are present. Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Defence plans to recruit another 400,000 contract soldiers in 2023, aiming to boost its military from 1 million to 1.5 million personnel.

As Putin's position weakens and Zelensky's spring offensive approaches, Ukraine aims to kick Russian troops out of eastern Ukraine and Crimea, potentially signaling the end of Putin's rule. However, this could also lead to a dangerous moment, as Russia has laid the framework for nuclear weapons use in specific circumstances.

Currently, only the US and UK seem capable of confronting Putin, minimizing the threat and protecting their allies worldwide. Immediate action is necessary to ensure the safety of the American and British publics.

Thursday, April 2, 2020


The view from the ER: 'We're all drowning'

Flattening the curve on coronavirus: What California and Washington can teach the world
LOS ANGELES — The numbers have been devastating. More than 215,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases across the United States, with a staggering 84,000 in New York alone. A death toll — more than 5,000 at last count — that has already surpassed 9/11’s. And grim new estimates from the Trump administration that predict the deadly pathogen could eventually kill between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans — assuming the U.S. does everything right. -
Farmworkers, Mostly In the Country Illegally, Become 'Essential' During Pandemic
NYT - The pandemic has also put many of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s operations on hold. On March 18, the agency said it would “temporarily adjust its enforcement posture” to focus not on ordinary immigrants in the country illegally, but on those who pose a public safety or criminal threat.The agency said it would not carry out enforcement actions near health care facilities “except in the most extraordinary of circumstances” and would instead focus its efforts on human trafficking, gangs and drug enforcement.
Live Updates
  • Dylan Stableford

    The latest on the pandemic

    According to tracking from Johns Hopkins University, there are more than 980,000 coronavirus cases and 50,000 deaths worldwide.
    • The United States leads the world with more than 216,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases. More than 5,100 Americans have died from the virus.
    • U.S. jobless claims soared to record 6.65 million, according to data released by the Labor Department Thursday morning.
    • Security for Dr. Anthony Fauci has been expanded after the U.S. infectious disease expert received unspecified threats.
    • The Democratic National Convention has been postponed until the week of August 17.
    • Coronavirus cases in Spain rose above 100,000 as it recorded its biggest one-day death toll from the outbreak on Wednesday. The United Kingdom saw its biggest daily jump in deaths as the overall toll surpassed 2,000. And Canada crossed the 10,000-case mark.

America’s housing market is showing the first signs of trouble because of the coronavirus pandemic


3 people who survived the coronavirus describe what it's like and what they wish they would have known


Japan expands ban on visitors as virus cases climb


FDA says heartburn drug Zantac should be immediately pulled from shelves


It's about time to make people wearing a mask- People in Laredo, Texas, could be fined up to $1,000 if they don't wear a mask or a bandana to cover their face during the coronavirus pandemic


Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte orders police to 'shoot dead' any 'troublemakers' who break quarantine


‘We Didn’t Know That Until the Last 24 Hours’: Georgia Gov. Says He Just Found Out People without Symptoms Can Spread Coronavirus


Monday, March 16, 2020

Nyob zoo txhua tug,

Hnub no, peb lub neej uas peb paub nyob rau hauv ntiaj teb no tau pauv rau tej yam uas tsuas yog nyob rau hauv txoj kev tham thiab dab neeg los yog hauv tej movie peb tau pom, uas tsis yog ib yam uas tau tshwm sim tseeb rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no dua.

Tus kab mob Coronavirus no tau ua rau txhua lub teb chaws, tej nom tsej tswv tau los tawm cov cai uas tshiab thiab tsis tau hnov dua los pab haiv neeg ntiaj teb los ceev tus kab mob Coronavirus los yog COVID-19 no.

Es peb txhua tug tsis hais cov laus uas hnub nyoog 65 xyoo rov sauv thiab muaj lwm yam mob xws li ntshav siab, ntshav qab zib, los yog kab mob plawv mob siab, los yog cov ib nrab neej ua nej tseem tab tom nyiam tawm rooj mus koom tej koob tsheej loj thiab me, mus koom kwv tij neej tsa kev noj kev haus – thov peb ib tug saib thiab xyuas ib tug, pib los ntawm koj tus kheej, koj tsev neeg, koj tej txheeb ze, koj tej phooj ywg, thiab koj tej neighbors uas nyob cheev tsam ntawm koj mus rau koj lub zej lub zos, lub teb chaws thiab haiv neeg ntiaj teb.

Lub sij hawm no, tsis yog lub sij hawm uas peb ib tug yuav los ntxub ntxaug thiab tawm tsam ib tug. Tab sis yog lub sij hawm uas ib tug yuav tau txhawb nqa ib tug, ib tug txhawj xeeb txog ib tug. Vim yog ib tug twg ze ntawm koj muaj mob nkeeg rau yam kab no lawm, nws muaj feem uas yuav kis tau los rau koj tus kheej thiab cov txheeb ze, los yog pab pawg ze nws tau.

Vim yog tus kab mob no muaj feem yuav kis tau rau cov neeg uas nyob ze ua ke sai heev. Yog li no, tej nom tej tswv twb tau tshaj tawm lawv tej cai los pab tiv thaiv kom sawv daws tsis txhob kis tus kab no lawm, peb sawv daws yuav tau ua peb txoj hauj lwm los mus pab thiab.

Sawv daws cov uas mus sib txheeb yuav zaub yuav mov ntau ntau tshaj li qhov yus siv los khaws cia noj tsheej xyoo – yog ib yam uas tsis pab rau peb lub zej zos los yog lub teb chaws. President Trump twb tau tshaj tawm rau sawv daws tias kom sawv daws tsis txhob yuav tsheej pawg zaub mov noj cia es pom muaj npaum twg los yuav tag nrho li vim yog yus muaj nyiaj. Sawv daws yuav tsum tau yuav txaus yus tsev neeg noj, thiab ho cia rau lwm tsev neeg yuav kom txaus lawv tsev neeg thiab. Lub teb chaws Mekas no ib lub teb chaws loj, dav, thiab muaj technology siab. Txawm yog tus kab mob no yeej los kis loj thiab dav lawm los, lawv yeej yuav muaj txoj kev los pab daws thiab cawm sawv daws rau ib ncua sij hawm sai xwb. Es yus yuav zaub mov los kav yus tsev neeg tsheej ib ob xyoo, ces lwm tsev neeg twb raug kev txom nyem lawm; vim tsis yog txhua tsev neeg yuav muaj nyiaj ntau npaum li ntawd mus yuav tseg. Thiab cov khw yeej tsis muaj peev xwm yuav thauj tej khoom ntau npaum li ntawv rau nej yuav los khaws cia noj tsheej xyoo.


Ua tsaug ntau.
Ted Vang

Friday, February 21, 2020

Hmong and Lao immigrants with standing deportation orders could be deported from the U.S.

45 years after the Secret War brought thousands of Hmong and Laos refugees to the United States, the Trump administration wants to deport thousands of Hmong immigrants, including many refugees, because of years-old criminal convictions or those who are currently on the deportation orders. 

The Trump Administration officials have been working behind the scenes to pressure the Laos government to accept the Hmong and Lao immigrants who have committed crimes with criminal convictions that have been ordered removed from the U.S. by the immigration judges. Though the U.S. government officials and the Laos side are not making any public statement or talking publicly, it was confirmed by federal State Department officials on Monday, According to Minnesota Public Radio and first made headlines last week after Rep. Betty McCollum wrote a letter to the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to express her opposition on behalf of her constituents. 

What's at stake? If and when the Laos government agrees to sign the agreement, it means many former refugees who came to the United States legally as refugees after the Secret War; who have committed crimes and on the deportation order list are facing imminent deportation back to Laos, a country some has never visited, many also were born in the refugee camps in Thailand. 

According to NBC News dated Oct. 29, 2019, by Kimmy Yam, "in 2002, the two countries struck an agreement in which Cambodia consented to take in a limited number of deportees. The agreement prompted backlash and protests from the Cambodian American community, who raised humanitarian concerns around the deportations since a significant portion of those at risk came to the U.S. as refugees. The Cambodian government ended up halting the issuing of travel documents for deportation in August 2017 

Similarly, the government of Vietnam also have signed an agreement with the U.S. agreed to take back people who came to the U.S. after 1995 but not those that came to the U.S. before 1995. However, according to an article published by NPR on March 4, 2019, the Trump administration wants to expand on that agreement to be able to deport Vietnamese immigrants who came here before 1995 and have committed a crime.

It's unclear how the Trump administration plans to implement such a harsh policy toward one of their most royal allies, the Hmong. No doubt that many organizations and supporters of the Hmong will protest such a hardline approach. Nevertheless, when it becomes reality, Hmong and Lao immigrants who are falling into the category(ies) described above will face the real possibility of being deported to Laos.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

7 Amazing Hmong Proverbs

7 Amazing Hmong proverbs

Hmong proverbs are hundreds of years old. Some of them
were created for their own sake, and others originated from the Hmong legends.
They all have the same goal of teaching for life lessons. It’s an educational way
of transmitting the wisdom over hundreds, if not, thousands of years to the
younger generation.

1.   Nyob deb txo dej txo cawv, nyob ze rho hluav taws hlawv.
People will be a lot kinder when they live far apart but show their
true colors when they are together. Sometimes, long-distance relationships are
better than having a close one.

2.   Hais ruab zoo nrov ruab tsuag, hais hauv tsev ncha saum luag.
Talk quietly, the deep jungle can echo loud into the forest. Talk quietly,
inside your own home may rebound loudly to the whole village. This teaches us
that rumor is louder than the sound of thunder really… and it can spread
quickly without borders.

3.   Lag-luam zoo thawj ntsug, pojniam zoo thawj tug.
A successful business usually happens at your first attempt. A good
marriage also usually your first. It teaches us that whatever you do, it’s best
not to fail, as your first attempt usually is your best.

4.   Xyoob loj tsis cuag ntoo, muaj zog tsis cuag muaj hmoo.
Bamboo will never grow as big as
a tree, therefore being lucky is better than being physically strong. This
teaches us that it doesn’t matter how physically strong you are, you will never
be able to beat someone with luck and you will rather be being lucky than not.

5.   Ua tau tsev thiaj pom zoo ntoo, muaj pojniam lawm mam pom hluas-nkauj zoo
People usually find better materials after they have already built
their house. Once you are married you will see more beautiful or handsome
. This teaches us to not regret
for the choice we made in life because you’ll always see more things in life,
but nothing will be better than the one you have than the one you wish you have.

6. Ua ruam thiaj tau nyob zov luag tsev, ua ntse ces tau ua luag qhev.
Acting stupid and you will be allowed to stay home, acting smart and
you will be put to work hard to serve others. This teaches us that even if you
think you know everything, it’s best to not show off your talents.

7.   Txhawj mob yog txhawj tsam tuag, txhawj lub neej yog txhawj tsam tau txoj kev pluag.
Worry when you are sick because you fear of dying, worry while you are
living because you fear of being poor. This teaches us that everyone wants to
live and don’t want to die, but we are living, we all want a good life for
ourselves and our family.   

Thursday, February 6, 2020
