Monday, December 12, 2016


I Am An American (.) period!

Dear my so called "Hmong American",

After 40 years in America, I never once called "Laos" my home country, but never denied I was born in that part of the country before the communist pathet Laos took over in 1975. In Fact, I personally have no memory of my birth country how it was before the war ended and I have no personal grudge against the current Laos government because all I know is that I am an American. In America, there are a lot of different types of immigrants; each group came from different corners of the world and with their own story. For Hmong, however, we are not "immigrants", we were forced political refugees made American - that is who we are. We did not choose to come to America to be rich or for a better life, but we came to America because we sided with the American (not by choice, but by recruit) and stood against their number 1 (ONE) enemy (the fearful "Communist) at the time, specifically, the North Vietnam and its powerful allies such as China and the Soviet Union.

Brief history from our elders and Veterans, at the beginning of a new year of 1973, while the Hmong special forces (SGU) or Special Guerrilla Unit were at the frontlines destroying the American enemy, President Richard Nixon and his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger met quietly with Chairman Mao in Beijing and signed the Vietnam war peace agreement in January of 1973. The agreement meant Hmong has been tossed to a world of chaos or to Washington at the time - (we don't care and don't know who they are). They have served us and served our purposes and it was time to forget them. No worry, they'll be just fine. There was no plan to help the Hmong wind down and re-assimilate into the after war environment. It's more like pulling a life support of a patient and just let it goes.

Why "I AM AN AMERICAN"? Because America is our country. Many families that I know including my own family rather celebrate the date we came to the U.S. than the date we left the jungle of Laos to Thailand. After 40 years, it's time to retain the Hmong heritage, but become truth American despite all the negative rhetorics from the recent presidential campaign.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hmong Tak, Thailand Noj Tsiab Peb Caug Jan 2016

Yug los rau haiv neeg Hmoob tsis haiv yuav nyob rau ceg kaum ntuj twg, peg yeej muaj kev noj tsiab thiab dhia qaib/dhia peb caug, pov pob lom zem xauv npo. Vim yog haiv neeg Hmoob tsis muaj teb chaws ua lawv teej tug thiab txawm nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws twg los Hmoob puav leej mus zwm rau lub teb chaws ntawd, mus haiv lub teb chaws ntawv lus, yoog lub teb chaws ntawv txoj cai. Thaum muaj kev noj tsiab li no los haiv neeg Hmoob caw tej nom tej tswv tuaj nrog qhib lub tsiab peb caug vim Hmoob xav yog ib haiv neeg hwm txog lawv tej nom tswv thiab thiab tej thawj coj.

Hmoob tseev yog ib haiv neeg uas paub qab hau tsi slam yuav noj ib pluag tsis hu kwv tij neeg tsa tuaj nrog noj thiab saib taus lawv haiv neeg, thiab hwm txog txoj kev lis kev cai zoo.

Xws li nej pom kev qhib tsiab peb caug hauv lub zos K.M. 44 hauv Phop Phra District, Xeev Tak thaum lub 1 Hli, Tim 10, Xyoo 2016 no nej yuav pom tau tias lawv yeej coj tsis txawv ntau ntawm haiv neeg Hmoob nyob teb chaws America thiab.

Qhov kuv mus pom ntawm qhov muag thaib saib lawv txoj kev qhib tsiab peb caug, coj lawv cov pej xeem dhia qaib, kev muag zaub mov noj, muag khoom thiab kev saib xyuas ntawm kev ruaj ntseg - kuv pom tau qhov txawv ntawm peb cov Hmoob nyob teb chaws Mekas li no:

1. Cov kwv tij Hmoob Thaib lawv tseem hnav tsoos Hmoob (ris tsho Hmoob) li ntawm 80-90% thaum lawv tuaj dhia peb caug li nej pom no. Peb cov Hmoob Mekas tsuas hnav li ntawm 220-30% lawm xwb.

2. Lawv muaj kev koom tes los ntawm ntau lub zos, ntau tus thawj coj thiab koom nej ib lub tsiab peb caug. Lawv sawv daws xaiv ib lub zos tuav lub tsiab peb caug ib xyoo. Tab sis, txog lub zos twg los sawv daws koom tes nraws mus khiav kom tau ib lub tsiab peb caug rau lawv tej pem xeem tuaj dhia qaib, tuaj so, tuaj sib tham, sib pom thiab coj tej tub ntxhais tuaj pov pob.

3. Lawv qhib tsiab peb caug dawb rau sawv daws nkag xwb, lawv tsis sau nqe qhov rooj. Qhov no, vim yog lawv cov zej zos no tau txais nyiaj txiag kev pab los ntamw tsoom fwv txhua txhua xyoo. Muab piv txog peb haiv neeg Hmoob nyob teb chaws Mekas, tsis tau txais kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv los khiav lub tsiab peb caug rau sawv daws.

4. Kev lom zem - muaj saum sam thiaj rau sawv daws yav nruab hnub thiab. Tab sis, qhov kev lom zem loj tshaj plaws yog muaj rau Hmo ntuj. Ib hmo twg mas lawv coj ib pab/ib tug tub ntxhais hu nkauj nrov tuaj hu nkauj. Qee zaum lawv kuj sau nyiaj, tiam sis feem ntau ces tuaj dawb thiab xwb.

5. Kev saib xyuas kev ruaj ntseg (security). Peb cov kwv tij Hmoob thaib cov zej zos yog lawv tswj. Lawv muaj lawv ib cov Security Officers nyob rau hauv tej lub zos. Cov tub/ntxhais saib xyuas kev ruaj ntseg no muaj cai nqa phom. Kuv pom lawv kwv phom npaws ncig. Yog tus twg lam tuaj tsim kev phem, sib ntaus los yog tsim kev kub ntxhov, lawv muaj cai ntes thiab coj mus rau tub ceev xwm teem txim raws li txoj cai muaj. Hais txog kev uas muaj cov hluas uas peb Hmoob Mekas tis npe rau lawv tias (laib), txawm tim Thaib, tim nplog los puav leej muaj. Xws li, kuv mus koom kev noj tsiab peb caug Thaib rau thaum lub 4 hli ntuj hauv rnoog Chiangmai, pom tau tias cov uas tuaj sib ntaus yog peb haiv neeg Hmoob xws, tsis yog Thaib. Qhov no txawm nyob teb chaws twg los puav leej muaj tej teeb meem zoo li no.

5. Liability (kev los lav txog cov neeg tuaj koom lub tsiab peb caug). Nyob rau saib Thaib teb, lawv tsis tau txhawj txog liability (insurance) los tuav pom hwm. Nyob rau teb chaws Mekas no haiv neeg Hmoob ua tsis tau vim lub teb chaws no tswj txoj cai (liability) loj heev. Yog lam muaj neeg tuaj sib ntaus sib tua es vim yog cov tswj hwm lub koob tsheej los lub tsiab peb caug tsis npaj cov tub ceev xwm txaus los saib xyuas , thiab lwm yam, cov neeg uas raug kev puas tsuaj ntawv thaib lawv tseb neeg tseem muaj txoj cai foob tau. Qhov no yog ib yam uas txawv thiab Hmoob American tsis kam qhib sam thiaj ua kev lom zem hmo ntuj rau sawv daws. Yog yuav ua ces mus ntawm tej vaj tse uas lawv twb yeej muaj liability insurance tuav pom hwm lawm xwb.

6. Kev pov pob. Kuv pom tias lawv tseem nyiam pov pob thiab tej niam tej txiv kuj nyiam coj lawv tej tub ntxhais tuaj pov pob. Hos Hmoob American ces peb cov tub ntxhais hluas cia li tsis kam pov pob lawm yog feem ntau. Cov peb pom pov pob tim no ces yog uas muaj hnub nyoog thiab cov nkauj/nraug nrab ntau lawm xwb.

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