Sunday, January 6, 2013


VANG PAO 1929-2011

Yawg Hlob Nai Phoo Vaj Pov

Grand Officer of the Order of the Million Elephants and the White Parasol.

Commander of the US Legion of Merit

Knight of the French Legion d'Honneur

Grand Officer of the Thai Order of the White Elephant

Medal for Combatants from King Sisavang Vong

Medal of the Reign of King Sisavang Vatthana

French Croix de la Guerre des Operations Exterieures, four bronze stars and 1 bronze palm

French Foreign Legion Indochina Vietnam Colonial Medal

French Foreign Legion Indochina Campaign Dien Bien Phu

In honoring the Honorable Phaya Norapamok General Vang Pao on this day of January 6th (the day he passed away in Clovis on Jan 6, 2011), here's a special poem for your pleasure reading. I hope you read Hmong or find a Hmong friend to read it for you.  Why honoring him you may ask? Because he is the father of the Hmong People. His extraordinary journey changed the destiny of the Hmong People in including me. I would be sitting here blogging to you without this great man. Hmong will forever remember him for many reasons, but one thing for sure is his undeniable love for his people. AND, here's the poem goes: 

Ntuj nis peb yawg hlob Vaj Pov…
Thaum peb hnov txog koj tsab xo
Tias koj tso peb haiv hmoob tseg
Siab dhua rhe npaum li xob tua
Lub kua muag ntws los tshaj dej

Koj puas paub tias peb nco koj
Tsis xav noj thiab tsis xav haus
Xyov yuav xaus lub neej li cas
Nco koj tas npaum li no nas

Tej mi hav nroj ntsuag ntsuab xiab
Ua peb siab nyob kho siab khuav
Peb tseem tuav koj txoj kev hlub
Tsis tau pub nws ploj mus li

Ntuj os me yawg hlob Vaj Pov
Koj puas hnov txog peb lub suab
Thaum ntuj nqhuab thiab tshav ntuj nrig
Koj tus plig nws puas paub txog
Hais tias yog peb seev txog koj
Nco tsis ploj hauv peb nruab siab
Tag ib txhiab thiab tag ibtxhis
Peb yuav tsis hnov qab koj li

Thov koj tig txoj kev tshua rov
Tig los hnov lub suab seev cuag
Koj cov ntsuag nyob rau tom qab
Hnov suab sab txog koj thaum twg
Txawm yuav pw los tsis tsis tsaug zog
Tsuas yog zaum tsheej pab pawg quaj
Vim yog nco txog tej kev hlub
Niaj hnub qhub txog tej txiaj ntsim
Uas koj tsim cia rau haiv neeg
Es yuav seev koj txog tav twg  
Li lub lwg mam li peem tsheej
Ua lub neej Hmoob li yav dhau los
Ntuj nis peb hlob Nai Phoo
Thov koj tso koj tej koob hmoo
Tej kev zoo rau peb haiv Hmoob
Kom peb Hmoob tsuas muaj loj hlob
Zoo li tsob ntoo loj zuj zus
Zoo li dej ntws tsis txawj tu
Kom lub plhu nyob tshiab li khi
Nyob luang ntxhi thiab tsis muaj mob
Ruaj npaum cob thiab loj npaum roob
Kom haiv Hmoob muaj zoo lawm xwb.

Tab sis peb yawg hlob Vaj Pov,
Zaum no koj tso tag haiv neeg
Nyob ua neeg lub siab khoob lug
Txij koj nrug dua ntawm peb lawm
Lub sijhawm zoo li raug nres
Txawm daus te yuav pauv tsawg tom
Los tseem pom koj lub ntsej muag
Pom tseeb cuag li yog nag hmo
Thaum koj nrog peb nyob luag ntxhi

Los kuamuag nws yeej tseem nrog
Vim xav txog tus neeg peb hlub
Thov koj pub ib lub sijhawm
Es yog txawm yog hauv npau suav
Los peb yuav zoo siab tos txais
Tsuav tau hais qhia tau ib lo
Tias peb nco koj npaum li cas
Xav piav tas peb txoj kev hlub
Tawm hauv lub siab Hmoob ntsuag
Xav kom tuav tau koj txhais tes
Thiab nyob ze li thaum yav tas
Ntawm koj npab hauv koj xub ntiag
Txawm ib pliag xwb los yeej kam
Tsuav tau tham txog txoj kev nco
Tshe ntau hmo yuav piav tsis tas
Tabsis mas peb yeej paub lawm
Tias sijhawm tig tsis tau rov
Tus uas hnov kuv tej lus hais
Ces qhov rais qhov rooj lub tog
Thiaj li yog tus uas paub tshaj
Hauv lub txaj peb tej hauv ncoo
Lawv paub zoo peb kev mob siab
Kuamuag iab ntxaum lawv txhua hmo
Txoj kev nco lawv thiaj piav tau
Tias nco dhau nws zoo li cas
Yog piav mas ntshe lub qhov rais
Nws yuav hais qhia rau koj tias
Peb yeej ntsia txoj me hauv kev
Ntsia los ntev yog nws txawj yaig
Tshe twb yaig ua roob ua hav

Xav tias tas txoj kev cia siab
Tsis nco thiab tsis tos koj lawm
Los thaum tawm rooj plaws pom luag
Muaj tus coj thiab muaj us qhia
Peb lub siab nco koj dua ntxiv
Peb leej txiv koj koj txoj kev hlub
Zoo li hnub yuav yuav tig ua hmo
Yuav cas nco koj txog ntua
Thiaj yuav tsis nco tsis nco qab hais
Thiaj tau txais txoj kev zoo siab
Tawm xyoo tshiab thiab xaus xyoolaus
Tsaw xaus los peb nco koj
Txoj kev nco tseem nyob li qub
Tseem niaj hnub xav txog koj xwb
Yog koj rov tsis tau tiam no
Lwm tiam ho puas yuav rov dua
Lub vam huam sib luag puas yuav muaj lawm
Tshe tias txawm pes tsawg tiam los
peb yuav tos koj xwb ib leeg
Nyob ua neeg yog tsis muaj koj
Ces peb yeej tsis paub yuav nyob ua ntsuag li lawm peb yawg hlob Nai Phoon Vaj Pov….

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