Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Hmong-Americans...! Tonight, I'd like to ask for your help in answering the following questions.
About 20-40 years ago, five of the most important issues were:
1. Communism
2. Nationalism and Royalty
3. Welfare
4. Housing
5. Education
NOW, we are in the 21st Century. Despite the U.S.’s deteriorated relationship with Laos during the Secret War that ended in 1975, full diplomatic relations were restored in 1992 with a return to ambassadorial-level representation. With the additional restoration of diplomatic relations with Vietnam in 1995, Laos has slowly but surely accepted the U.S. as their “frienemy” and in 2015, the U.S. State Department announced their 40+ acre U.S. Embassy in Vientiane, Laos.
The number one concern within the Hmong-American community back in the late 1980s and early 1990's was welfare benefits. The welfare reforms came with heavy resistance, but they steadily moved forward. It was estimated that 90% of the Hmong-American population used to be unemployed in the early 1990's. Now… 90% are employed (excluding those who are disabled or suffer from the language barrier).
When we talk about housing, Hmong-Americans used to be scattered in apartment complexes with the most memorable apartments nicknamed "Zos Vib Nais," as in Stockton, Fresno, etc... Now more than half are homeowners.
Education - wow...that's all I can say.
So - - - the question is:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Being Refugee of the World

The Syrian refugee who was tripped while holding his child by a Hungarian camerawoman has moved to Spain after a soccer coaching school offered to help his family rebuild their lives, according to several news sources.

"I love you, I love Madrid, I love Spain, all of Spain, thank you for all (for everything). This (is) very, very important for my life,” he said, speaking to reporters on the platform.

Fleeing war conflicts for survival is far more difficult than anyone can ever imagined. My heart pains and crying when I see the Camerawoman kicked and tripped him and his son and they failed into the ground. Sure there are boundaries between each country and we must protect and respect, but should we as fellow human being have the same rights to be born into this wonderful world? Shouldn’t we all belong to the same mother earth and the father above us regardless if one has a country or not? Should borders be the line of death and starvation? I don’t think human can afford to not help each other in time of crisis. We must!

YES…I love you Madrid and I love you Spain and the countries of the world that accepting the current refugees and give them food, shelters, and a place they can breath and get away from the horrible war.

For me personally, I love U.S.A. and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the people of U.S.A. the land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE. Please know that humanity appreciate you more than you know.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


If you’re like me, I see so many whiners and complainers in our community of so called “ modern educated Hmong”, and they just drive me nuts. Sometimes, I even failed for it and all for the wrong reason on both ends[crazy]. These are the unacceptable behaviors I’m talking about: rudeness, selfishness, thoughtlessness, arrogance, intolerance, dishonesty, whining, complaining and bragging to  be somebody else, etc…just to name a few here. AND - then there’s one specific one that also on this list that truly drives me insane - - - guess it…yep, WHINING/COMPLAINING!. Instead of using their education, knowledge, abilities, and all the things that they have learned, experienced, and trained to find solutions to the mountain of problem facing us and help Hmong to move forward, they use to attack each other. They will find any and all the reason to discredit, put down others who are simply trying to help or do their best to make a difference.

I have read many excellent letters, lengthy emails and Facebook posts and see their exceptional skills and abilities and thought that they have used for all the wrong reasons to [attack others]. I wish that they use their time and energy to advocate for the positive causes that will bring Hmong together to work as a team to build a stronger future for Hmong and better than the one left by our parents and not trying so hard to criticize others just to win the argument. I also wish that I have their writing skills! So I can write 10x better than this crappy blog that you are probably wasting your time reading because of my sketchy English Grammars.

I know and you know that being a whiner and or a complainer will not solve anyone problem or make anyone including yourself happier; rather it’s a chronic problem, and some would even called it an addiction. In fact, while writing this blog, I did some search in Google and found hundreds of articles about this issue, so I know I’m not alone and know that this is a problem that all of us need to take a good look at ourselves and ask tough question about things before we say it to others. One of the article states that “complainer will complain about just anything and everything to anyone who had the misfortune of being stuck to listen and constantly whining. It does matter if it has to do a job, the weather, the pain, girlfriends, wife, grandma, a client, or how busy he/she is at work or school or home. If anything goes wrong, the first thing is putting a negative spin on it and go from there…and then spend the rest of the day or longer complaining about the it”.

The scary thing for you whiners and complainer is that your personal relationships will eventually suffered if you continued to constantly suck out the energy of every room with your complaining. You’ll lose most of your good and most trusted friends, and suffer both personally and professionally. Your career, your life as you know it will eventually stalled out if you constantly repelled the people who you hang out with or even work with. Oh…and your mental, emotional, and even physical health will eventually declined if you don’t to stop complaining and wallowing in negativity every day.


Thanks to an article by “Shola Founder of The Positivity Solution”

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

GVP Statue, Chico, CA on September 12, 2015. 

Brief info of the bronze statue - according to an interviewed with the Chico GVP Monument Chair, Michale Lo:
Total Cost: $47,500
The City of Chico contributed inform of insurance deductible: $19,000 plus
Made from: China
Tall: 8 ft (including the base)
Made of: Bronze Statue
Located: Next to the City Hall of the City of Chico
Open to the public
Security and Safegard: in place to ensure the safety of th statue

Thanks to the Chico GVP Monument Committee and the City of Chico and elected officials for your support in making this true moment a reality to remember the Hmong General.
All pictures are (c) and property of Hmong Report www.crossingstv.com/hmong
Please share appropriately. 
